Friday, June 20, 2008

Well we left and now we're back...

Oh it all started out soooo well. Flights were running on time. We board our plane, sitting anxiously waiting to take off. And we waited. And we waited. Two hours later after watching two thunderstorms pass, we take off only to have a bird sucked into our one of the engines while taking off. Sure enough that becomes a problem and we have to circle the skies for almost 2 hours dumping fuel (Yes, in the air) since we were filled up so much. Then we get back to the airport to be told the soonest they can do another flight is the next morning. :-( Thankfully they put us up in a hotel (which Anna Lin thinks is the greatest experience ever!) and gave us food vouchers. So at least we will get some sleep tonight. Yeah! And try again tomorrow.

Now I'm off to soak in a nice hot bath, then succumb to ZZZZZZZ's.



dawnln said...

sorry to hear about the delay. so much for the "free day". the boys made it to Illinois with no mishaps, stayed with us last nite.
looking forward to hearing about your adventure.
tell Anna Lin " hey and we love her" we are excited about her new sister

Amy said...

Angi - What an exhausting day that must have been and getting you absolutely nowhere!! So sorry! I am assuming that you are there now and all settled!! Hope we hear from you soon!

Amy in Arizona

Shannon said...

I can't believe you will have Autumn today! (well tonight for all of us!) FINALLY!!!!! Praying that things go smoothly for all of you.

Dana T said...

Angi- I hope that your travel plans have gotten better. Tell Anna Lin that I can't wait to see her and her new sister Autumn! Take care and happy traveling!