Sunday, June 15, 2008

Five Days To Go!!!!

Wow! We are in the eye of the packing/nesting storm right now. least I AM! :-) Today we shopped, shopped, shopped. Lots of things to get to make sure all goes well. What a fun day for Ric to spend his Father's Day, eh? Hey, he got to have brunch at Cracker Barrell, so he was happy. I had checked the weather in Hangzhou, the provincal capital for Autumn and it was a lot cooler than I thought: 70's to 80 degrees and rainy. So we needed a jacket and some pants, or capri's since SC doesn't sell pants in June and I couldn't find them on the clearance racks. Then Anna Lin and I hit the shoe section for some tennis shoes after we figured her size from some measurement we previous received. Well next thing you know we're walking out of Target with two pairs of matching shoes for Anna Lin and her new little sis, along with Dora Croc-type shoes for Autumn. We picked up some Dora night time pull-ups, just in bed wetting is a problem. (Didn't plan on that happening last time either. Luckily another lady there (Kelly) shared with us because she had brought too many.) Then there the fun things like the little containers of Play-Do, the coloring books, the new CD player for Autumn that is similar to Anna Lin's (AL), and bubbles. AL really wanted to get into that coloring book. I told her that would have to wait for when we are in China, for possible rainy days and all. I had already bought several sticker books (duplicate), a magnetic princess dress up tin (very thin, the clothes are magnets than go on the metal 'paper doll...also duplicate.), several similar blank notebooks with gel pens to write, scribble, and drawn. (Anna Lin who was 4 when we adopted her LOVED these.) The pink build-a-bears are ready to be packed along with a few outfits, including the latest hula one. Grandma Lois said two Chinese Barbies are in the mail, so they will go too, along with several outfits and accessories. Must have toys!!! Learned that lesson last time. We had brought few, but definately not enough. Thank heaven for the Monkey King on the TV. We watched so much of the show that Ric and I fell in love with it. He's hoping it still airs.

Am I done packing some of you ask???? Well...I'm almost done with Autumn. The washer and dryer have been working overtime, since I am determined to have this done by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. I just want spend my last day before China in some state of peace, even if it is a nervous/excited state of peace.


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