Saw where one of our mom-to-be's didn't see their sweetie in our pics. I haven't posted all of them, though there are not many more. I will put those on our Jinhua group later since I'm having trouble doing that right now.
OK now. Let me try to remember everything... The children's program director (short guy) said for Jin Cong (Shannon's sweetie) that she now is aware of strangers and gets upset by them easily. This of course is all normal for her age, and thus one reason why we just can't seem to get a picture with a smile from this girl. (I say this last sentence. :-) However, I saw with my own eyes that she smiles. They love her to death, as they do all the kiddos. He picked her up and she just smiled and giggled. But she wasn't happy to see us. Our guide said this was the best SWI she has ever seen. Definately the best in ZheJiang. The children's director/manager (can't remember his definate position) also said that he was heart broken when Jin Mei left and shed a tear after she left. Post that on the group ladies please, in case I forget. I believe that is Chris's little girl. He said he plans to work hard to put more up for international adoption. They really want them to go to the U.S. and other countries to have good opportunities and education. (If I said that before, forgive me.)
Ideas of things to bring as a gift/donation...clothes. Even though they don't mention that as a need from when I checked several months ago, seeing what these kids were wearing and what Autumn came to us in I say bring clothes for these kiddos. Some simple cotton dresses for the girls, shirts, shorts, shoes even. I gave them a bag of socks, panties (both still in the bag), and some shirts along with shorts. They did mention when I had the Our Chinese Daughter's Foundation contact them that they need cleft lip/palate bottles and powdered milk/formula. Shannon and I sent a big box of bottles with the OCDF people when they went to Beijing and then they mailed it from there. Lynn at OCDF said someone is going over their basically monthly, so it can be easy to send donated items as long as you get them to their Illinois office before they leave.
By the way, Autumn writes out numbers 1 to 10 and imitates what I write. She saw me write Hi Yo and then wrote it under what I wrote. (I was writing phonetically things she was saying.) :-) And I mean nice, neat, small writing. She writes smaller than Anna Lin does, who just finished Kindergarten. But she also does it like it was a daily exercise. Not a bad thing, just quite repetitive. Anna Lin did something similar, but it was kinda like basic Chinese characters. (If I've already said this just ignore it. It has taken me three tries to get this out. Not having good server connection today as far as blogger is concerned. )
By the way Cynthia asked about the blog. I see my blog fine. However, Michelle said she had a problem in Shanghai. SHouldn't have a problem in Guangzhou, where we go tomorrow. :-D
One last comment. The dress Jin Ming is in is what Autumn came to us in. Also, I heard him call her Ming Ming.
Angi, you are wonderful, thank you for taking time to post all of this for us. I am SO glad to hear that she does indeed smile and we will be so excited to finally put one there. After she is done being scared to death of us that is! ;-) I was wondering about orphange gifts, will start buying clothes now. What a blessing to hear how loved our children are.
Angi, I second what Shannon said. I know you understand how much any information means to us and so appreciate the time you've given to doing that. I love seeing Autumn with Anna Lin and her beautiful smile. Many blessings!
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